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The Truth Behind 4 Common Home Inspection Myths

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Buying a home is an exciting, yet overwhelming, season in your life. The home inspection can be unnerving for both the buyer and the seller, as you anticipate the report to learn what flaws and possible repair needs await you. Trident Inspection Group will give you peace of mind with our home inspection services as we help you find the perfect property for your family. Let’s go over four common home inspection myths and the truth behind them, to clarify this process further.

Home Inspection ServicesMyth #1: An Inspection and an Appraisal Are the Same Things 

A home inspection and a home appraisal are performed by different parties and they serve different purposes. A home appraisal determines the value of the property, whereas a home inspection identifies any issues with the property. We go into more detail about this in our article exploring the difference between a home appraisal and a home inspection. 

Myth #2: A Home Either Passes or Fails an Inspection

There is no such thing as passing or failing an inspection. The comprehensive home inspection report will detail any flaws that are found by the inspector, and you will have to determine how you want to proceed with that information. At Trident Inspection Group, we will provide the facts that you need in order to make an informed decision. 

Myth #3: Buyers Should Not Be Present at the Inspection 

Buyers can absolutely be present at the home inspection. In fact, it’s a great opportunity to ask the inspector some questions and learn more about the components of the home you are about to purchase. The inspector can point things out to you that will make more sense on the inspection report after hearing their explanation and input.

Myth #4: The Inspector Will Advise Whether or Not to Buy the House

A home inspector is impartial in this process, and will never give advice about the purchase of the home. They will evaluate the condition of the home and its components, and present that information to you in the inspection report. They may uncover some safety issues in their noninvasive visual examination, but that will all be documented for you to aid in your decision.

Schedule Your Home Inspection 

Trident Inspection Group is ready to put our highly-trained, certified, and experienced professionals to work for you. We provide inspection services such as residential inspections, commercial inspections, aging-in-place inspections, and much more. Contact us today at (714) 332-6689 to learn more. We serve customers throughout Orange County and the surrounding areas of California including Los Angeles, Riverside, Anaheim, Mission Viejo, and Irvine.